which "things" are missing meshes and/or textures (so not appearing correctly in game)?. The SG Checker application was primarily written to answer two questions The HCDU Plus application is my attempt to remedy these. it reports conflicts at the resource (BHAV, BCON and STR#) level and not at the package level (it's usually enough to know that "InTeenimater_FlavorPak_BackToSchool.package" conflicts with "InTeenimater_B.package" without giving the eleven resources that conflict). it can't be told to ignore known conflicts (eg all the InTeenimater flavour paks). it can't be told which folder to start in. it doesn't consider STR#, OBJD, OBJf or other resources. The Hack Conflict Detection Utility (HCDU) is an essential tool when using mods, but it does have some shortcomings
call "Want Satisfy - Kiss" in the SofaSocialGlobalsīHAV Finder was written to provide the answers.
use the old version of the relationship primitive. Recently, I have wanted to be able to answer questions such as, which BHAVs. The BHAV Finder application is my attempt to make spelunking in the game code more productive. The Simantics Resource Finder in SimPE (Tools -> PJSE -> Simantics Resource Finder.) is very good at what it does, but doesn't quite measure up if you want to dig into the Maxis game code, for example, when searching for code snippets that use primitives in a certain way, or link to specific strings (eg animations).
It was written primarily as a testing application for the DBPF Library, but also supports exporting resources as XML (either to the clipboard or to a file) The DBPF Viewer is a simple application to display the contents of a DBPF (.package) file. The Utils Library is a set of classes to support development of applications that use the DBPF Library providing classes for registry persistence, MRU lists and common dialogs (about, configuration and progress) DBPF Viewer Application It can extract both uncompressed and compressed resources of types BCON, BHAV, CTSS, GLOB, OBJD, OBJf, STR#, TPRP, TRCN, TTAB, TTAs and VERS - ie all the ones of use to coding modders. The DBPF Library is a set of classes for reading "The Sims 2" DBPF (.package) files. The Sims2Tools Project consists of two libraries and five applications